Tuesday, January 15, 2008

reqesting is open!

i have decided to open requesting! please follow the rules below, and email all requests to vintagekiss.blogspot@gmail.com

rules & regulations
- do NOT claim the graphic as your own.
- do not remove my tag. it is there for a reason.
- i will only make graphics of celebrities! i will not do pictures of you & your friends, animals, animation, wrestlers, and absolouty NO explotive images!
- please only request 2 times a week per person. i do have a life.
- if you want one like a sample, keep in mind it may not be exact but i will give it my best shot.
- on the forum where it says 'vintagekiss' you put 'designs'
- only 2 graphics (blend, icon)
- since most people dont know what HQ pictures are, i will choose the pictures for you.

001. 10 icons
002. 2 blends
003. 3 icons, 1 blend
004. 1 layout, 1 button & 1 icon
005. 3 buttons

where am i linked? (if you do not have a site, leave blank):
what package do you want:
what celebrity?:

send to:


Saturday, January 12, 2008


welome to 2008. haha. make any new year resaloutions?? i dont make any. i never stick to them anyway.

and those brushes i promised, they will be coming. i've been so busy. i went out every night this week. haha.
i've been making alot of blends/graphics latley so i will update those in our photobucket album most likley tomorrow. im going out tomorrow, so we'll see what i can get done.

its 2:30 am.. i gotta get some sleep. haha!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

brushesss coming soon :)

i just wanted to let everyone know that i will be putting together the brush sets tonight! i worked on a theme for a set last night, and i just need to scan them and make them into brushes! im hoping it doesnt take all that long! haha.

i am also going to be opening a request portion on this site! ill set the forum up and then ill post it every now and then. maybe i'll open it for a week in a month and see what happens :)

well im off to make some stuff for you guys :) im thinking icons? haha

happy new year :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

random ?

merry belated christmas :)

i hope you all had as good a season as i did! i got alot of new stuff. tonssss of gift cards, money, some bath stuff, clothes. i didnt get a laptop or new cell phone.. but going to flordia for 2 weeks makes up for it! haha.

i am also working on getting some new content up. i have like nothing to do tomorrow so i am going to be making som BRUSHES!. woot. it will be my first set EVER, and they will be in image packs!

i am so completely bored thsi winter vacation. god i wanna get out of the house. my 2 best friends are in minot, and no they didnt ditch me. they just both happened to plan trips at the same time. and my other friends are in the states as well. but i called one of my friends today to see if they wanted to go to a movie but they couldnt and the onyl good movies playing are the ones that are on the other side of the city.. soo we didnt exactly get around to going.

instead i watched for your eyes only. its a james bond movie so thats why no one has probly heard of it before :P haha.

but new content coming soon and i also made some graphics so ill post those either tonight or tomorrow!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


alright, so i've changed my mind in the direction of this site. we are going to be a resource site! :D

so for our first official update, here are 3 light textures! they will be tagged soon but please dont steal them :) i actually made these with my camera while we were drving. i just kinda shook my camera while we were driving past a whole bunch of stores at night!

click the tumb below to use! please save to your own server. they are uplaoded to photobucket!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


hey all you online bloggers!
my name is michelle, and this is my blog/icon portfolio!
feel free to request an icon anytime by commenting!

i am so drained right now. my weekend is half over, but i've been SO busy. last night after school my friend came over and then at around six we went over to her house and had a sleepover. i was tired to begin with because school is extremely busy and i am always tired at the end of the day.

i had to visit family the next day and i had to babysit at 5 (which i am currently still doing, but the kids are sleeping) till after midnight, but my friend and i were WAYYY to busy watching lindsay lohan in just my luck.. and reading a play. yes we read plays in our spare time. thats the kind of people we are!

icons will be posted tomorrow, as well as a more interesting layout !